Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nadi Astrology, to Know yourBirthstar

The texts are written in Vatteluttu, which is an ancient Tamil script. There are different schools of thought as to the author of these leaves. They were written by a great tamil sage called Agathiyar who had divine revelations. This doctrine of astrology was made famous by astrologers around the Vaitheeswaran Temple in the state of Tamil Nadu and is still practiced around the temple by their descendants.

These Nadi leaves were obtained and possessed by the families of astrologers in Vaitheeswaran Temple. This is an art passed down the years from one generation to the other.

Nadi astrologers say only a certain number of souls' future predictions are there in the leaves. They are reported cases of exact match in the past details and future predictions.

1. It contains a gist of future predictions corresponding to the 12 houses of the horoscope, a general overview of the seeker's life with age. Is also a general summary of the 11 kandams that follows it:

2. This Kandam is about Family, Education, Eyes, Money and Intuition etc.

3. This Kandam is about Brothers & Sisters, Relationships between them and self.

4. This Kandam is about Mother and Comforts through House, Land and Vehicles.

5. This Kandam is about Children and births, reason for not having any, future lifestyle of children.

6. This Kandam is about troubles and hardships due to Disease, Debts Enemies, Litigations or Cases.

7. This Kandam is about first Union or Marriage and Status of married life. Also contains hints of valuable information about the name of the future spouse, horoscope, age of marriage, and some characteristic features of the spouse etc.

8. This Kandam is about lifespan and Longevity, Accidents and dangers with indication of time and age during one's lifetime.

9. This Kandam is about Father, Wealth, Visits to holy places, Fortune; Benefit from the preaching's of Guru and holy people, charitable deeds and social life.

10. This Kandam is about Career, Job, Profession and Business, Good and Bad times in career. Future predictions about growth, prosperity and losses in one's job or business.

11. This Kandam is about Second or further marriages, Profits in business etc.

12. This Kandam is about Expenditures, Foreign Visits, Next birth and Salvation.

Separate Kandams:

13. Shanti Pariharam: This Kandam is about past life or birth, bad and good deeds and a series of rituals that can dilute the effect of past bad deeds.

14. Deeksha Kandam: This Kandam is about the methods of preparing the Mantra Raksha, that has the power to shield the self from evil forces of jealous and envy. Raksha ensures relatively better rewards for one's efforts and success in deeds.

15. Avushada Kandam: This Kandam is about medicines, prescription suggested to those suffering from chronic diseases.

Initially, only the first chapter is read to the seeker. If the seeker needs further details on some particular chapter (like Business, Health, Marriage etc), then the corresponding chapter's verses are read to him/her. The seeker is also advised rituals which can correct the future mishappenings, there by leading to a choice.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Daily Karma Removal

Life is nothing but a manifestation of your old karma done in your past lives. You are a success or failure not because of what you have done in this life time. It is primarily due to past life karma. Everyone every day is only going through his/her karma. The so called deceptive future is only your past. Every one must change their past in order to change their present and future. The Siddhas of ancient India developed a powerful technology to dissolve past karma. They identified deities who are in charge various aspects of life and created methodologies to propitiate those deities.

The uniqueness of Siddha worship lies in using specialty worship methods. The Siddhas did not build temple at random places. Each space has its own prosperity or poverty energy (Eg: North America vs. South America and within any city there are good and bad neighborhoods). Time too has its own energy. You cannot simply worship these deities or planets any time. There are specific times.

I have designed this powerful program, Daily Karma Removal Program, to control everyday karma. If anyone is alert to the core, old karma will not haunt you. But unfortunately our attention span is limited and we can’t remain conscious all the time. But then we can have a personal spiritual custodian similar to a personal trainer. DKRP will be like a machine to remove bad energy on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Snacks That Heals Health

1. When You're Stressed have

1 Cup of Low-Fat Yogurt or 2 Tbsp of Mixed Nuts

Scientists in Slovakia gave people 3 grams each of two amino acids — lysine and arginine — or a placebo and asked them to deliver a speech. Blood measurements of stress hormones revealed that the amino acid–fortified public speakers were half as anxious during and after the speech as those who took the placebo. Yogurt is one of the best food sources of lysine; nuts pack tons of arginine.

2. When You Want to Increase Your Metabolism - Drink Green Tea

Catechins, the powerful antioxidants found in green tea, are known to stoke your metabolism, making it burn hotter and torch more calories. A study by Japanese researchers found that participants who consumed 690 milligrams of catechins from green tea daily had significantly lower body-mass indexes and smaller waist measurements than tea-totalers

3. When You're Low on Energy Eat A Handful of Trail Mix

Raisins provide potassium, which your body uses to convert sugar into energy. Nuts stock your body with magnesium, which boosts metabolism and improves nerve and muscle function. (When magnesium levels are low, your body produces more lactic acid — the same fatigue-byproduct that makes your muscles ache at the end of a workout.)

4. When You Need a Brain Boost - Eat Blueberries

Antioxidants in blueberries help protect the brain from free-radical damage, which could decrease your risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, and improve cognitive processing. Wild blueberries, if you can find them (or grow them!), have even more brain-boosting antioxidants than the cultivated variety.

5. When You're Under the Weather Drink Ginseng Tea, Hot or Iced

In a Canadian study, people who took 400 milligrams of ginseng a day had 25 percent fewer colds than people who popped a placebo. Ginseng helps kill invading viruses by increasing the body's production of key immune cells.

6. When You Need to Wake Up and Go Eat Eggs and Whole-Wheat Toast

Eggs are a great source of protein, and having them for breakfast sets you up for a perfect day of eating. Saint Louis University researchers found that people who eat eggs for breakfast consume 264 fewer calories the rest of the day than those who eat bagels and cream cheese.

7. When You Want to Get ''In the Mood''Eat Dark Chocolate

The cocoa in chocolate contains stimulants that increase your body's sensitivity. Chocolate also contains phenylethylamine, a chemical that can give you a slight natural high. And Italian researchers found that women who often eat chocolate have a higher sex drive than those who don't. Make sure your chocolate has at least 60 percent cacao.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Brain System

The distinction between the mind and the brain is fundamental in philosophy of mind. The mind-body problem is one of the central problems in the history of philosophy. The brain is the physical and biological matter contained within the skull, responsible for electrochemical neuronal processes. The mind, in contrast, consists in mental attributes, such as beliefs, desires, perceptions, and so on. There are scientifically demonstrable correlations between mental events and neuronal events; the philosophical question is whether these phenomena are identical, at least partially distinct, or related in some other way.

Philosophical positions on the mind-body problem fall into two main categories. The first category is dualism, according to which the mind exists independently of the brain. Dualist theories are further divided into substance dualism and property dualism. René Descartes is perhaps the most prominent substance dualist, while property dualism is more popular among contemporary dualists like David Chalmers. Dualism requires admitting non-physical substances or properties into ontology, which is in apparent conflict with the scientific world view. The second category is materialism, according to which mental phenomena are identical to neuronal phenomena. A third category of view, idealism, claims that only mental substances and phenomena exist. This view, most prominently held by 18th century Irish philosopher Bishop George Berkeley, has few contemporary adherents.

Think Positve


There are only two choice. Either be a History Reader or become a History Maker.
Go as far as you can see. When you go there, you will see further
No tree is foolish enough to let its branches fight with the branches of another tree. Can man learn from the trees to live and let live?

There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. Do everything in life out of happiness, and not for happiness.
If you want to develop your ego. surround yourself with people who look up to you. If you want to develop yourself, surround yourself with people you look up to.
Lies need maintenance. Truth does not.

If everything about your life can be explained, then you have not lived at all
The quality of a sculpture is the responsibility of the sculptor. The quality of a painting is the responsibility of the painter. Then whose responsibility is the quality of your life? Yours and yours alone. No blame is allowed.
If you are starved for love, it is not because enough people don’t love you; it is because you are not expressing your love to enough people.

All the problems you face today are the small challenges you overlooked yesterday. Put out a spark when it is just a spark… else you will face a forest fire.
There are no right decisions… you have to make your decisions right.
Think positive… it may not guarantee success; but negative thinking guarantees failure.

When you know little, you are ignorant about your knowledge. In knowing enough, you become knowledgeable about your ignorance.
When you ask,”why me? why me?” for all your trouble, shouldn’t you also ask, “why me? why me? for all your blessings?
Without dissatisfaction, there is no growth. without happiness, there is no life. Be Happily Dissatisfied.

Birth was not your choice. Death will not be your choice. But, the way you live your life in between these two terminals is absolutely your choice.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thinking is a higher cognitive function and the analysis of thinking processes is part of cognitive psychology

The basic mechanics of the human brain cells reflect a process of pattern matching or rather recognition . In a "moment of reflection", new situations and new experiences are judged against recalled ones and judgements are made. In order to make these judgements, the intellect maintains present experience and sorts relevant past experience. It does this while keeping present and past experience distinct and separate. The intellect can mix, match, merge, sift, and sort concepts, perceptions, and experience. This process is called reasoning. Logic is the science of reasoning. The awareness of this process of reasoning is access consciousness

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