Saturday, April 5, 2014

Maha Sani Pradosham: Reverse Time, Reverse Aging Vedic New Year: Connect with the Sun on April 14th

Dr. Pillai Quote


 2 Maha Sani Pradoshams while Saturn is Exalted    

Two of the most powerful Pradoshams of the year occur on April 12th and April 26th IST, because they take place on Saturday. A Saturday Pradosham is called Maha Sani Pradosham. The day has unique properties that enhances the karma removal power during an already powerful 13th Moon.
April 12th: A 13th Waxing Moon, the star on this day is Purvaphalguni, so the Moon will be in the sign Leo, and Jupiter will be in the 11th house from the Moon. Jupiter in the 11th house will assure realization of your ambitions and your prayers to God. This position will clear karma that is blocking wealth you have earned from coming to you. And it will help clear karma between you and your father or people in authority.
April 26th: A 13th Waning Moon, the star on this day is Uttarabhadrapada, so the Moon will be in the sign Pisces, which is Jupiter's sign and Jupiter will be in the 4th house from the Moon. The Star being Saturn's star will increase Saturn's influence during this pradosham. This position is for total karma removal and cleansing your souls. And it will clear karma disrupting home life And it will help clear karma between you and your mother.
The world has never known a time without suffering, pain, ache, disappointments and disease. But this is the time that collectively we need to participate by observing pradosham and praying to Shiva. If we all observe Maha Sani Pradosham we will enhance Shiva's energy and make it come down to the earth plane. Chant the Thiru Neela Kantam mantra and participate in Maha Sani Pradosham ritual offerings. Be benefitted because these Pradoshams are special. Don't miss the upcoming Maha Sani Pradosham - it is a significant opportunity to get rid of negative karma.
Dissolve Your Bad Karma during Maha Sani Pradosham


Vedic New Year: Connect with the Sun on April 14th

Vedic New YearAstrologically, there is a starting point for the New Year. It's based on the Sun returning to the first sign of the zodiac, Aries. And it is the most auspicious month of the year to strengthen your personal life force. On the Vedic New Year day, ask yourself how you want to plan and structure your life. This is the best time to do such planning because the energy available at the beginning of the year supports this type of activity. It will be beneficial for you to connect with the Sun on April 14th IST. Sun worship is very important and Yogis consider the Gayathri Mantra, to be the most important mantra. Be prepared to take advantage of the Sun's move into Aries and reorganize and revitalize your life.
April 14th is the day to worship the Sun. It will be beneficial for you to connect with the Sun on April 14th. Repeat the The Gayathri Mantra, 108 times, which will help you get a tremendous amount of benefits.
Gayathri Mantra
Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturn Enters Virgo

The planet Saturn represents the energy of getting things done, and Virgo lends the ability to pay attention to details. Together, they make this the most conducive time to start acting and stop postponing the urgent and important tasks in your life. The transit encourages you to take a reality check on your health and finances, and give up the urge to procrastinate.

Saturn also receives the aspect of Jupiter at this time, which has the scope to accelerate new opportunities on a global scale. The pairing of Saturn and Virgo facilitates a need to serve others. By acting on your thoughts of helping the underprivileged, you can strengthen your sense of commitment during this period.

Get Health Wise

Saturn governs ageing of the body, while Virgo puts emphasis on cleanliness in all forms. Saturn's movement into Virgo is a promising period for rejuvenating one's health by making intelligent choices such as eating a proper diet, exercising on a regular basis, and undergoing routine medical check-ups.

It is time to own up responsibility towards one's overall well-being. This also involves getting rid of unwanted things and getting on with the essentials. The message is clear - shape up or ship out.

Mend your Money Matters

Virgo, the natural Sixth house, has a great impact on the significant area of career and thus influences your earning potential. With Saturn also in charge of employment, this transit asks us to take a second look at our spending habits.

Again, the focus is on cleaning up the physical mess in your surroundings before moving on to straighten your financial accounting. By facing up to one's extravagance, one can learn not to repeat the redundant patterns that cause agony.

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