Friday, June 27, 2008

Think Positve


There are only two choice. Either be a History Reader or become a History Maker.
Go as far as you can see. When you go there, you will see further
No tree is foolish enough to let its branches fight with the branches of another tree. Can man learn from the trees to live and let live?

There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. Do everything in life out of happiness, and not for happiness.
If you want to develop your ego. surround yourself with people who look up to you. If you want to develop yourself, surround yourself with people you look up to.
Lies need maintenance. Truth does not.

If everything about your life can be explained, then you have not lived at all
The quality of a sculpture is the responsibility of the sculptor. The quality of a painting is the responsibility of the painter. Then whose responsibility is the quality of your life? Yours and yours alone. No blame is allowed.
If you are starved for love, it is not because enough people don’t love you; it is because you are not expressing your love to enough people.

All the problems you face today are the small challenges you overlooked yesterday. Put out a spark when it is just a spark… else you will face a forest fire.
There are no right decisions… you have to make your decisions right.
Think positive… it may not guarantee success; but negative thinking guarantees failure.

When you know little, you are ignorant about your knowledge. In knowing enough, you become knowledgeable about your ignorance.
When you ask,”why me? why me?” for all your trouble, shouldn’t you also ask, “why me? why me? for all your blessings?
Without dissatisfaction, there is no growth. without happiness, there is no life. Be Happily Dissatisfied.

Birth was not your choice. Death will not be your choice. But, the way you live your life in between these two terminals is absolutely your choice.

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